Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ten years down.....

It's amazing how fast times just flies! I can't believe Kev and I have been married for 10 years now. I was such a baby then. It's been a great ride so far. I look forward to 50 more years by his side. Kevin isn't just my husband....he's my best friend. I can tell him anything, and he'll understand. He makes me laugh when all i wanna do is cry. Often times, he knows what I'm thinking before I even say a word. We've been through so much, and we're still together! I'm amazed at how much I love him, and how I love him more as each day passes....


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Back To School!

Well, tomorrow (January 12th) begins what will be my final semester at good ole' John Tyler Community College. I started back in 2006, and cannot express how excited I am to be so close to graduation. Although, I will honestly miss the professors, and the awesome people that I have worked with while there. I have learned much more than facts and figures while at John Tyler. I've learned that I can really do ANYTHING I put my mind to, if I want it bad enough. While being in Phi Theta Kappa (Chapter President!), I've learned valuable leadership skills, and will carry them with me. So, as I get my backpack together tonight, and fill it with my textbooks and pens, I will look back to when I took my very first class, and look onto my impending future as a.......COLLEGE GRADUATE!!!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My 2009 DETERMINIATIONS......NOT Resolutions..

First and foremost, HAPPY (belated) NEW YEAR, everybody! I hope your celebrations involved fun, family, and good times, and hopefully, not TOO MUCH alcohol! So, I was thinking today about people who make New Year's resolutions, and how so many people fail to complete them. I've never really been one to make New Year's Resolutions because of that. So, I've decided to make New Year's DETERMINIATIONS instead. Here they are (in no particular order)

1. Lose weight---I've been putting this one off for so long, and it's time for me to start taking better care of myself

2. Pray more---I've been bad about this one lately, and then I sit and wonder why my life isn't where I want it....hmm...could there POSSIBLY be a connection??

3. Learn to de-stress---another one of my myriad of character flaws is the fact that I DON'T handle stress very well. Last semester, my stress led to a "mini stroke", which honestly scared the bejesus out of me.

....I have a lot of great things to look forward to this year. We're moving, which I can't wait to do...less rent means more money to take care of unfinished business. Graduation is in May, which means.....MOM COMES OUT FOR A VISIT!!!! I can't wait!!! I haven't seen my mom in over 2 years, so it's going to be a great reunion. The biggest of month Kevin and I will celebrate our 10th...yeah, that's right...our 10th ANNIVERSARY!! I can hardly believe it. Where did the time go?

So, for anyone who might be reading this, again, Happy New Year. I hope that all of your expectations are high and met! I will close with a little prayer..

Thank you, God for allowing me another year to love you and praise you. Thank you for giving me so much, and for not asking for more than my love and devotion back. Thank you for my friends, family, and most importantly, for your Son. Thank you for forgiveness and patience when I lose my step. AMEN!!